
Community Workshops Announced for Master Plan Update

5 August 2024

One Shreveport logo featuring images of a tree, a home, and the Downtown Shreveport skyline.

The Shreveport-Caddo Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) has announced three Community Workshops to promote and gather feedback for One Shreveport - 2024 Master Plan Update.

All three Workshops will take place at Riverview Hall downtown from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. noon.

  • Saturday, September 14, 2024
  • Saturday, November 2, 2024
  • Saturday, December 14, 2024

Shreveport citizens are encouraged to attend all three meetings to have their voices heard and be part of the Master Plan update. The Workshops will engage the community in highly interactive activities to learn about their vision for Shreveport, develop a strategy for equitable development and land use planning, and gain feedback on plan recommendations and implementation.

Community Workshop #1 | Understand Workshop

The first Community Workshop will focus on learning about the community’s priorities and aspirations for Shreveport’s future. This Workshop will provide community members with a baseline understanding of planning issues in Shreveport, including the 2030 Master Plan, and will include visioning exercises to ensure that the updated plan’s vision and goals reflect the community’s current needs.

Community Workshop #2 | Envision Workshop

The second Workshop will build on visioning themes from the first Workshop to conduct a deeper dive into land use and development issues in Shreveport. This hands-on meeting will engage community members in exploring the links between development and housing, economic opportunity, transportation, and open space, as well as their relationships to historic trends and issues. Feedback from this meeting will inform the development of the Equitable Development Strategy and a Preferred Land Use Concept.

Community Workshop #3 | Act Workshop

The third Workshop will refine the plan’s key recommendations, including its revised Future Land Use Map and Implementation Strategy through community input. This Workshop will also engage community members in identifying opportunities for the whole community to implement the plan’s aspirations through volunteer, not-for-profit, and private-sector cooperation.

Citizens can learn more about the Master Plan update by going to