On Friday, August 30th, the city is hosting a "Night Off Broadway", which is a community event that includes an outdoor movie screening, food trucks, games, and more. The event will also include the open house for the Right Down Broadway corridor plan, where we will be sharing draft ideas for the plan and accepting public feedback. "Night Off Broadway" runs from 6PM - 10PM and is located at the old Courtesy Ford building (1410 West Pine Street).

If you cannot attend the event, please provide your feedback on the Right Down Broadway open house materials using the online engagement activities below! Your comments will help us refine the draft ideas for the final plan, which will later be reviewed by Planning Commission and City Council in Fall 2024.

Previous Engagement

What We Heard

The slide deck below contains the engagement summary from the online engagement and in person engagement events that were held in May 2024. If you feel like we've missed anything let us know in the comment box below.

Draft Plan Vision

What We Envision

The Right Down Broadway Plan will be guided by four major themes: Land Use, Mobility, Public Realm, and Economic Development. Each theme has a vision statement associated with it that lays out a high-level goal for the Broadway Drive and West Pine Street corridors. The themes and vision statements were identified using best practices and existing conditions research and based on the community feedback gathered during the community engagement events in May.

Land Use Strategy

Land Use Strategy

The land use strategy in Right Down Broadway aims to catalyze incremental, mixed-use infill development over the long term. It will re-establish the Broadway Drive and West Pine Street corridors as a regional destination and employment center while introducing other uses, including an expanded range of high-quality housing options. The city will update its code and regulatory processes and work with business owners and developers to encourage redevelopment that fits the vision for land use laid out in the plan.

Mobility Strategy

Mobility Strategy

The mobility strategy in Right Down Broadway will create safe neighborhood connections so all can walk, bike, or roll to the Broadway Drive and West Pine Street corridors. The area will also be maintained as a regional access point and act as a key gateway into the city. The city will invest in capital projects to build and upgrade facilities while partnering with other organizations, such as the Mississippi Department of Transportation and Hub City Transit, to make sure the area is easy to navigate by all users.

Public Realm Strategy

Public Realm Strategy

The public realm strategy in Right Down Broadway will use arts and culture as a tool for revitalization, not just beautification. The city and its partners will market vacant buildings and lots in the area to artists and entrepreneurs looking to start up businesses in artisan-related industries. Through grant programs and incentives, the city will encourage business owners to make improvements as well as revitalize brownfield sites (former industrial and/or contaminated sites) into safe, accessible spaces for the public.

Economic Development Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

The economic development strategy in Right Down Broadway will transform the corridors into a thriving regional space for business and innovation. Through creative financing, partnerships and re-branding, the city will transform “Hattiesburg’s Automotive Row” into “Hattiesburg’s Creator’s Corridor”. A key component of the strategy is to flip the script on 16th Section land, which will include educating potential business owners and developers as well as working with the legislature to reform leasing terms.

3D Model

Screenshot of 3D model

May 2024 Mini-Charrette Feedback

After our Mini-Charrette in May, we asked the community to weigh in on their current concerns and their vision for the future of the study area. While these activities are now closed to feedback, we encourage you to review the comments that were shared earlier in the summer!



What are your biggest concerns for the project area and/or planning process?

Let us know your concerns in the response box below. Before submitting your response please indicate what type of stakeholder you are using the category drop-down menu below.

28 August, 2024

Lynn Bates says:

a car-free walk street a long promenade, lake water play (walk on fountain) Many trees Skate(board/roller) park Racially Equitable

5 June, 2024

Cobra6 says:

The additional traffic utilizing W Pine St will cause residents issues trying to merge onto the street.

30 May, 2024

Rita Mitchell says:

Close to major arteries, William Carey, PRCC, Forrest General/Hattiesburg Clinic, USM, and DT/Hardy Street, this area can be a GEM!

30 May, 2024

Sean says:

Several small establishments - non chain resturant(s). Classic movie theater/coffee shop combo. Recreational venues for youth.

28 May, 2024

Jeremy W says:

Building blight and no building codes. Will continue to see degradation of the properties and problems that come with it

28 May, 2024

Daniel says:

We need more mixed-use buildings, like 5-over-1s. There should be places to live, work, and shop, plus transit service. Upzone Broadway.

27 May, 2024

Steph says:

How many smoke shops do we really need in this area?

27 May, 2024

NancyParker says:

That the city will miss the mark on catering to the tourist coming in for the zoo and water park, This area will be traveled by them.

27 May, 2024

Bark says:

Crime, urban blight

27 May, 2024

Jenni420 says:

We desperately need AFFORDABLE residential units for single people. I live next to the Dumas Motel because it"s the only thing I can afford

27 May, 2024

Jodi Clark says:

Empty commercial buildings are eyesores

27 May, 2024

Lael says:

Don’t neglect residence east of Broadway while catering to visitors. Crime reduces with equitable employment and mental health opportunities

