Tell Us Your Mobility & Infrastructure Priorities!

Below are 4 (four) surveys where you can tell us how you would prioritize the Mobility and Infrastructure recommendations being considered for the M.O.V.E. Southeast Action Plan. Each survey has recommendations to accomplish one of 4 (four) different objectives:

  • A.1 Create an environment that promotes walking, biking, and transit ridership.
  • A.2 Improve street safety for the neighborhoods by introducing traffic calming and safe crossing strategies
  • A.3 Create green corridors for urban heat island mitigation and stormwater treatment
  • A.4 Increase transit frequency and expand METRO and other supplemental services for better transit access

Using the tabs below, you can navigate to the survey for each objective and tell us which recommendations you support the most and/or believe would most benefit the M.O.V.E. Southeast Study Area. You are welcome to take all 4 (four) surveys, or you can take the ones you are most interested in.

Please Note: This survey will close on January 15th. All responses must be submitted before that date. Thank you!

A1: Walking, Biking, & Transit Infrastructure

A2: Street Safety

A3: Green Corridors

A4: Transit Frequency & Expanded METRO Services